Birbo Combo Calculator

Option Hit(s) damage Total damage Hit count PSP count Scaling State

About: This tool calculates combo damage for Decidueye. Input the desired combo string (or use the buttons to build a combo) and see the individual hits broken down and fully detailed for you to truly understand that Birbo Combos are the way to victory with this character! (That and falling jY being +∞)

- (rage) indicates the opponent entering rage and gaining +30% defence at the specified point. Useful for calculating "execution" combos.
- (safejump) as a combo starter is a shorthand for "whiff 8YR5R > falling jY(1)" and is meant for combos starting from a hard knockdown setup.
- You may add comments or other text to the combo string by surrounding it in braces. For example, {CADC} could be used to indicate a dash-cancel for timing purposes.

Made by Niet, the best Decidueye in the world! (Fite me if you disagree :p)